American Lifetime

Tips for Seniors: How to Reinvent Yourself After Retirement

Tips for Seniors: How to Reinvent Yourself After Retirement

Oh, happy dance! Eureka! And all that jazz seniors feel upon retiring. But, you can only nap the day away for so long when bubbles of contentment burst and you are b-o-r-e-d.

Likely your identity was tied to your career and now that you’re retired, you need a sense of purpose. If all your friends were co-workers, you need new friends. Do you agree it’s time to reinvent yourself?

What Did You Wanna Be When You Grew Up?

In the eyes of a child, everything is possible. You could be anything from an astronaut to a zookeeper. But, reality hit when you were a job-seeking new adult. Chances are, you settled for something you were qualified to do for an income.

Those childhood dreams are still buried within. Dig them up and go for it. Begin exploring whatever makes your soul sing. Rediscover your passion. Since money-making is not your primary objective, it won’t matter if you don’t achieve perfection.

So what if your knitted afghan looks more like a baby blanket? No worries if you sing off key, you’re not aiming for your name in lights.

If you enjoy something, you can always sign up for a class. A side benefit is meeting like-minded people.

Seniors that Volunteer

Where would the volunteer community be without seniors? Plus, research shows that senior volunteers reap health and social benefits. Also, volunteering provides a sense of purpose and heightens your self-esteem.

If you adore kids, you might enjoy being a Foster Grandparent. Animal lovers can volunteer at local animal shelters. Hospitals constantly seek volunteers. What fun to deliver flowers to patients and see their eyes light up!

Seniors Clubs

Metal Detecting Clubs hunt for buried treasures, using (drum roll please) metal detectors. Benefits include outdoor exercise, meeting treasure hunting buddies, plus the thrill of your first “find”.  

Square Dancing Clubs are way fun. Costumes are cool – circle skirts with polka dots, petticoats and ruffled pantaloons. Lots of stomping and whirling for exercise.

More traditional clubs include book clubs, needlecraft clubs, fishing clubs, hiking, crafting and more.

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