American Lifetime

The Power of Play: How Games Can Benefit Those with Alzheimer's or Dementia

It's often said that laughter is the best medicine, and there's growing evidence to suggest that play might be just as beneficial, especially for those living with Alzheimer's or Dementia. Games can offer a multitude of cognitive, emotional, and social benefits that can significantly improve quality of life.

Cognitive Benefits

Games can help stimulate the brain and challenge cognitive functions such as memory, attention, problem-solving, and decision-making. For example, card games like Solitaire or Rummy can help improve memory and concentration. Puzzles, like crosswords or Sudoku, can stimulate the brain's problem-solving abilities. Even simple games like matching pairs can help enhance attention and focus.

Emotional Benefits

Engaging in games can provide a sense of joy, accomplishment, and social connection. When people play games, they often experience positive emotions that can help reduce stress and anxiety. Games can also provide a sense of purpose and can help individuals feel more connected to others.

Social Benefits

Games can be a great way to socialize and connect with others. Whether playing board games with friends and family or participating in online gaming communities, games can provide opportunities for social interaction and companionship. This can be particularly important for individuals suffering from Dementia related conditions who may experience social isolation.

Types of Games Beneficial for Alzheimer's and Dementia

While many games can be beneficial, some may be more suitable for individuals with Alzheimer's or Dementia. Games that are simple, easy to learn, and visually appealing can be particularly helpful. Some examples include:

Board games: Games like Scrabble, Chess, and checkers can help stimulate cognitive functions and provide opportunities for social interaction.
Card games: Games like Solitaire and Rummy can help improve memory and concentration.
Puzzles: Puzzles like jigsaw puzzles and crossword puzzles can help stimulate problem-solving skills.
Video games: Some video games, such as those designed specifically for cognitive training, can be beneficial.

At American Lifetime, we understand the challenges faced by individuals with Alzheimer's or Dementia, as well as their caregivers. Our alarms and clear display features can be particularly helpful in supporting individuals with these conditions.

For example, our alarms can be used to remind individuals to take medications, attend appointments, or eat meals. The clear display can help individuals stay organized and independent. By providing these features, we aim to help individuals with memory issues maintain a higher quality of life and live more independently.

For more information on Alzheimer's and Dementia, please visit the Alzheimer's Association ( or the National Institute on Aging (

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